Continuing the getting-more-annoying-as-I-go Sew Me book with the MP3 holder belt case thing that I reworked to fit my phone. I’ve been anxious to finally get to this project, and the final result does not disappoint. I kind of want to make tons of these.

The walk-through, however, does disappoint. Literally 4 lousy photos to explain the whole thing. Literally had to read each step like 10 times to make sure I was doing it right.
There’s not much new I encountered with this project, other than the way the pocket was constructed. I’ve already sewn velcro with my pencil cases and some fabric strips I use to keep my thread containers closed. So that’s old hat.
Oh, I used my turning tools for the first time. Highly recommended.
And I finally bought squares. I’ve been living in the dark ages without them. Also highly recommend.
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