I’ve always thought plastic bag holders were ugly. Probably because the ones I’ve seen were always ugly.
They become far less ugly when you get to choose the fabric.
Thank you, remnant bin, for this spun polyester that was super easy to work with, and looks cute. I shall henceforth admire the plastic bag holder I once despised.

Edge Stitch Foot
I used my edge stitching foot for most of this, and it worked beautifully. Creating the casings for the elastic at the ends involved folding over the fabric twice, pressing, and then stitching along the first fold (which was only 1/4″.) That edge foot made it a breeze and the seam looks so good.
The walk-through for this came from my 101 One Yard Wonders book, which I’m kind of disappointed about after flipping through the whole thing yesterday. Way too much crap in there for kids and babies. I won’t be making most of the stuff in there. Also, the instructions involve a lot of re-reading. They’re overly concise and literally have no pictures of the process. But at least they’re written accurately. Just have to take your time reading them because they seem very rushed.
The project called for a heavy decor fabric, like denim. Sounded like overkill to me, so I felt up the remnant bin and chose this. It also called for an anti-roll elastic. I’m not sure what makes elastic anti-roll (maybe it’s marked on the packaging?) but I wasn’t even paying attention. So mine does roll, but it doesn’t seem to cause any issues. It’s enclosed anyway.
This project made me realize how empowering it is to learn how to sew. To be able to create something that you want or need, just the way you want it. It feels amazing.
I also discovered my next book I totally want. I’m really not a foul-mouthed person, but the intro was hilarious. It also spoke very deeply to me when she said “It’s for anyone whose grandma was a great seamstress, everyone whose mother can’t sew a straight line…” That is very literally me. My grandmom worked in a sewing factory, she made my mom’s prom dress, she could crochet a storm. My mom hates sewing. For real can’t sew a straight line and is the first to admit to all of it. Anyway, I’m excited to get that at some point and hopeful that it will give me a really practical foundation when it comes to garments.
I’m not sure what my next project is. I might make something up, or tackle some of the things that have been brewing in my mind since before I started this wonderful learning experience. Or I guess I’ll knock out that last wrist cuff I planned out. Should be very easy, that one, especially compared to my last one and all the tiny leaf applique I bestowed on myself.

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